
What Is a Dental Veneer?

Looking for dental veneer information? This popular cosmetic dentistry option is one that is chosen often by dental patients who…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

Why Should I Get Cavities Treated?

Cavities often precede far more severe oral health concerns, including the loss of teeth. The good news is that cavities…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

4 Ways to Avoid Getting a Dental Filling

Dental fillings are not enjoyable procedures, however, they are often necessary to restore teeth that are in bad shape. Thankfully, there…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

3 Maintenance Tips After Professional Teeth Whitening

Wondering why dental patients are choosing professional teeth whitening in-office services? Having a dental professional make all the decisions allows…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

Ask a Family Dentist: Is Tooth Pain a Warning Sign?

Tooth pain is common in individuals of all ages, which makes it a top priority for family dentists to address.

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

What Will a Dental Professional Try Treating an Abscessed Tooth With First?

Considering undergoing endodontic care services because you think you have an abscess in one of your teeth?

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

3 FAQs About Dental Veneers

Thinking about choosing dental veneers as one of your cosmetic treatments? According to Healthline, dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

Why Is a Dental Filling Considered a Direct Dental Restoration?

Wondering why a dental fillings is also known as a direct dental restoration? There are both direct and indirect restoration…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

A General Dentist Answers Common Questions About Orthdontic Treatment

Because there are few different options for wearing braces nowadays, patients who are in need of this type of orthodontic…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov

Preventing Yellow Teeth With Invisalign®

Whether Invisalign treatment is ongoing or not, one of the most effective ways to maintain the color of the teeth…

Dr. Sevil Pinkhasov